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(24 * 7 dedicated FREE ayurveda consultation for all patients worldwide)

Avail online ayurvedic video consultation with our specialized Ayurvedic doctors regarding any of your diseases. Send us an email on to confirm your appointment now for nil charges ! Detailed Medical Consultation, Analysis as per protocols of Ayurveda Medicinal Science for any of your disease is just a click away, and we shall also be explaining in depth with regards all dietary do's dont's, medicinal prescription as well for achieving holistic health benefits.

Acidity treatment in ayurveda

Are you feeling any uncomfortable burning sensation in your throat or chest that makes you feel miserable or awake at night ? Almost everyone experiences such occasional heartburn or acid reflux symptoms due to our irregular dietary patterns. For many such patients approaching us, all it takes is drinking a cup of extra tea, skipping breakfast or having too oily food throughout the day or going to bed on a very full stomach which forms the root cause. While such occasional heartburn is not something to worry as these are acute ones and with good dietary intake, its on its own alleviated as wel but but if you are experiencing acid reflux symptoms like heartburn or chest pain more than twice a week, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and it needs to be consulted early with ayurveda so healing too is achieved early by intake of illness specific medicinal herbs.

Normally, any acute acid reflux symptoms are treated with over-the-counter antacids. If you are someone who carries a strip of antacids to treat your acid reflux symptoms on quite a regular basis, please keep in mind that antacids works only with symptomatic approach and it suppress the stomach acid either by neutralizing it or by inhibiting the acid production in the stomach and don’t treat the inflammation caused by acid reflux/ GERD, so as you are seeing antacids are not curing the ailment. When the esophagus is left inflamed over time, it can erode the lining, or, rarely, develop ulcers in the stomach or cancer as well so early diagnosis with early treatment through ayurveda is the only accountable option for all such patients.

Acidity affect more than 40 million people worldwide
The number is expected to rise above 60 million by 2025. Its better to not ignore the symptoms, come to Ayurveda early so disease as well is treated early..
Achieving healing in acidity through our ayurveda consultation is just 4 clicks away!
Our Treatment Philosphy goes as follows

Every patient is unique individual, hence treatment for every person’s disease must also be unique and customized in nature. We follow below protocols in our treatment approach:

ayurveda is for holistic healing always!
Ayurveda is for holistic healing always!

Unlike conventional protocols that lays emphasis on addressing the symptoms only, its Ayurveda medicinal science which always works on the root cause of disease and not just symptoms. Ayurveda herbs begins their action on tissues by detoxifying so that normalization can be ensured.

personalized consultation and prescription
Personalized Consultation and Prescription

We shall be providing absolutely personalized, authentic Ayurvedic medicines formulated from medicinal herbs after analyzing the root cause of your ailment and its very prime reason why healing through herbs are always holistic.

tracking all updates 24*7 with patient
Tracking all updates 24 * 7 with patient

Throughout your treatment protocol, our doctor shall be staying connected with you through phone, email, WhatsApp to track and analyze all the relief progress and to answer all your health queries on almost instant basis.

dietary & Lifestyle regimen customized Just for You
Dietary & Lifestyle regimen Customized Just for You

We shall be providing customized consultation which shall include diet, home remedies and lifestyle protocols which shall help immensely alongside the medications towards achieving good health benefits at soonest possible.

Our body is made up of 3 energies – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Today's diet and lifestyle influence these tridoshas. If these become unbalanced then the body can become a victim of diseases. You must have often seen that many people fall more ill, the problem of pitta dosha may be behind it. According to Ayurveda, only due to imbalance of Pitta can cause many types of diseases. Heat, liquid, acid, bitter, greasy are the symptoms of pitta. Different doshas have different effects on the body. Jaundice, ulcer, acidity, hiccups, belching are one of the causes of pitta dosha. This article describes Ayurvedic remedies to balance the increased pitta.

Increased pitta can also be controlled by changes in diet and some Ayurvedic procedures. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to know the causes of pitta dosha and distance from them. Due to excessive consumption of spicy spicy food, working hard or having mental stress, drinking alcohol, not eating and drinking on time, using more sesame and mustard oil, eating more meat in food are some of the causes of increased bile. .

To prevent the outbreak of bile, consume them
  • Consume more ghee.
  • Eat more fiber-rich things like leafy green vegetables, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage.
  • Eat more pulses.
  • Eat oatmeal-cereals, salad, aloe vera juice.
Lifestyle changes are necessary to control pitta dosha. In such

  • Do not walk in the sun (avoid sunbath), it can increase the heat in the body.
  • Go swimming, swimming will help.
  • Massage the body with col oils with cold oil.
  • Take bath with cold water only, it is helpful in keeping the body cool.

Disclaimer: This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. Sportskeeda Hindi does not claim responsibility for this information.

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