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Acne treatment in ayurveda

Acne is a condition which is caused due to excess production of oil from the sebaceous glands leading to the blockage of hair follicles and can be a huge concern as a cosmetic aspect. Ayurveda medical science has many good medicinal plants that can only prevent its outbreak but enable the healing as well. In Ayurveda medicinal science, acne are referred to as 'Yauvan Pidika,' and is believed to be a manifestation of an aggravated Pitta dosha or we can say a highly progressive behavior by Pitta dosha. In addition to your face, acne can affect shoulders, neck and your back area, too.

According to Ayurveda Protocols, there are three fundamental doshas which governs the overall state of health in our tissues and all physiology: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Good health is considered to be a perfect state of balance of between these three doshas or we can say that when all these three doshas are in balance, its a state of good health. If we speak with regards particularly acne, then its said to be an aggravation of the pitta dosha, which acts under the skin and leads to heated toxins, further breaking out as acne. To keep acne at bay, one should adopt a pitta-pacifying diet in the very first place. Those who see frequent outbreaks of acne, should avoid spicy, oily and fermented foods.

What Causes ACNE ?
There are many factors that can cause it; whether it is a mild or severe form it is usually associated with one or a combination of the below :
  • 1) Pregnancy - the pigment may or may not fade after the delivery.
  • 2) Hormonal contraceptives, including oral contraceptive pills and injected progesterone.
  • 3) Sun exposure is also a very strong risk factor.
  • 4) Scented or deodorant soaps, toiletries and cosmetics - a phototoxic reaction.
  • 5) Poor immune system.
  • 6) Genetic factors.
  • 7) Medications.
  • 8) Nutritional deficiency.
  • 9) Ovarian or thyroid disorder.
  • 10) Stress
  • 11) Pre-Menopausal Acne

Acne is a very common skin ailment which can affect any individual anytime. Every girl wishes for a flawless, clear skin but acne can make it difficult to look the same always. There can be multiple factors which can contribute towards eruption of acne and one of the primary reasons being increased pollution, bad eating-dietary habits, poor skin care regimen and many more.

Skin Care: Acne Remedies anyone can try at home for best health benefits:
1. Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most powerful ingredients used to fight not only acne but many related skin problems. It is a natural product which is enriched with antibacterial properties which prevents the eruption of acne. It is also enriched with anti-inflammatory properties. A paste of turmeric and milk can be formulated and then applied on the affected skin part for enabling good healing in acne and many other likewise skin conditions.

2. Honey

Honey is another very powerful natural ingredient blessed by mother nature which can help fight acne and many other skin conditions. Honey stops the growth of bacteria very effectively as it cleanses the skin deep up to its pores. It helps in removing the unnecessary dirt and bacteria which can enter into our skin pores and thereafter be a cause for the eruption of acne. Turmeric and cinnamon can also be mixed with honey for added health benefits.

3. Lemon Juice

Lemon is the most common naturally available ingredient which we all have available in our kitchens all throughout the year. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C which is extremely good for your skin and all other physiological aspects as well. It can help in treating acne and and not only it helps in the healing of acne but also is very excellent in removing dead skin cells. Lemon juice can be mixed with honey and rose water for added health benefits.

4. Green tea

Green Tea is a potent natural antioxidant by nature. Studies have proven photoprotective and photocarcinogenic potential of green tea and since very recent times, the use of green tea for a good health have been very highly recommended. These compounds scavenge the free radicals present in the skin and thereby enable its cleansing action very effectively. Green tea can be used as a scrub for the healing of acne.

Achieving healing in ACNE through our ayurveda consultation is just 4 clicks away!
Our Treatment Philosphy goes as follows

Every patient is unique individual, hence treatment for every person’s disease must also be unique and customized in nature. We follow below protocols in our treatment approach:

ayurveda is for holistic healing always!
Ayurveda is for holistic healing always!

Unlike conventional protocols that lays emphasis on addressing the symptoms only, its Ayurveda medicinal science which always works on the root cause of disease and not just symptoms. Ayurveda herbs begins their action on tissues by detoxifying so that normalization can be ensured.

personalized consultation and prescription
Personalized Consultation and Prescription

We shall be providing absolutely personalized, authentic Ayurvedic medicines formulated from medicinal herbs after analyzing the root cause of your ailment and its very prime reason why healing through herbs are always holistic.

tracking all updates 24*7 with patient
Tracking all updates 24 * 7 with patient

Throughout your treatment protocol, our doctor shall be staying connected with you through phone, email, WhatsApp to track and analyze all the relief progress and to answer all your health queries on almost instant basis.

dietary & Lifestyle regimen customized Just for You
Dietary & Lifestyle regimen Customized Just for You

We shall be providing customized consultation which shall include diet, home remedies and lifestyle protocols which shall help immensely alongside the medications towards achieving good health benefits at soonest possible.

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