A detailed study on diseases due to infection

Infectious diseases are those diseases which are caused by micro-organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many such micro-organisms live in and on our bodies causing illnesses. At times these are helpful as well for our physiology but due to certain conditions, they can become very harmful as well.

Diseases due to viruses
DNA viruses
Diseases due to chlamydiae
Diseases due to rickettsiae
Diseases due to bacteria
  • Streptococcal infections
  • Staphylococcal infections
  • Corynebacterial infections
  • Bacillus infections
  • Bordetella infections
  • Salmonella infections
  • Food poisoning
  • Dysentery
  • Other true bacterial infections
  • Mycobacterial infections
Diseases due to fungi (mycoses)
  • Cutaneous fungal infections
  • Subcutaneous fungal infections
  • Systemic fungal infections
Diseases due to protozoa
Diseases due to helminths
  • Trematode (fluke) infections
  • Cestode (tapeworm) infections
  • Nematode (roundworm) infections
  • Zoonotic helminth infections
Diseases due to arthropods
Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Sexually transmitted bacterial diseases
  • Sexually transmitted viral diseases
  • Miscellaneous conditions
Diseases due to spirochaetes
  • Leptospira infections
  • Borrelia infections
  • Treponema infections