- Macular or maculo-papular
- Measles*
- Rubella
- Enteroviral infections
- Herpesvirus type 6 infections
- Infectious mononucleosis
- Toxoplasmosis
- Cytomegalovirus infections
- HIV seroconversion illness
- Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers
- Rickettsial infections
- Dengue fever
- Secondary syphilis
- Drug rashes
- Haemorrhagic
- Meningococcal infection*
- Viral haemorrhagic fevers
- Leptospirosis
Septicaemia with
disseminated intravascular coagulation
- Rickettsial infections
- Trypanosomiasis
- Urticarial
- Toxocariasis
- Hydatidosis
- Fascioliasis
- Strongyloidiasis
- Schistosomiasis
- Vesicular
- Chickenpox*
- Shingles
- Herpes simplex infections
- Hand, foot and mouth disease
- Herpangina (mouth)
- Poxviruses (monkeypox)
- Nodular
- Erythema nodosum (primary TB and leprosy)
- Erythematous
- Scarlet fever*
- Toxic shock syndrome
- Lyme disease
- Drug rashes
- Dengue fever
- Chancres (ulcerating nodules)
- Trypanosomiasis
- Typhus (tick and mite)
- Anthrax
- Rat-bite fever
Rashes are common clinical features of many systemic infectious diseases.
They can be classified as maculopapular (discrete or sometimes confluent
red spots which can be elevated), nodular, erythematous (a diffuse red
eruption which blanches on finger pressure), haemorrhagic, vesicular
(associated with blister formation), urticarial or as chancres.
Certain infections are associated with specific
skin lesions which are characteristic of that infection.The examples
of infections associated with the various
types of rashes.The common types of eruption
(measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox, meningococcaemia). Drugs,
including antibiotics, are a common cause of rashes during infection,
particularly the