Home remedies for depression in ayurveda

Home remedies for depression in ayurveda

Everyone struggles with stress or tension. It is a disease related to our mind. Tension arises due to imbalance and lack of harmony between our state of mind and external situation. Many mental disorders arise in a person due to stress. He is always restless and unstable. Stress is like a conflict that creates instability in the mind and emotions of a person. A person suffering from stress is never able to concentrate in any work, which has a negative effect on his efficiency. Having a small amount of stress in the normal routine is not something to be worried because so much stress is necessary for normal personality development but if it becomes a part of our emotional and physical life then it can prove to be dangerous.

What is Depression

Having a small amount of stress is a part of our life. It is also sometimes beneficial, for example, to do some work, we feel ourselves under light pressure, so that we can do our work well and the enthusiasm remains while doing the work. But when this stress becomes excessive and uncontrolled, it has a negative effect on our brain and body and when it turns into depression, the person does not know. Depression happens to a person who is always under stress. Often the person who is afraid of something or the situation over which he has no control, he starts feeling tension, due to which a pressure starts building on him. If a person lives in these conditions for a long time, then gradually he becomes accustomed to the method of living a stressful life, then if he does not get the stressful situation, then he starts feeling stressed from this too. This is the initial stage of depression.

Causes of Depression

There are many causes of depression, which need to be known in detail. Let's discuss about it

  • Due to any major change in life like an accident, any major change or conflict in life, loss of a family member or loved one, financial problem or any such serious changes.
  • Due to changes in hormones such as menopause, childbirth, thyroid problems etc.
  • Sometimes depression also occurs due to change in weather. Many people feel sluggish, tired and disinterested in everyday activities in the winter when the days are short or there is no sunlight. But this condition gets better after the end of winters.
  • Our brain contains neurotransmitters that affect feelings of happiness and pleasure, especially serotonin, dopamine or norepinephrine, but these can be imbalanced in the case of depression. Their imbalance can cause depression in a person, but why they get out of balance is not yet known.

In some cases, the cause of depression may also be genetic. If there is already a problem in the family, the chances of passing it on to the next generation increases, but which gene is involved in it is not yet known.

Side Effects of Depression

Depression is a mental health disorder that is not a problem of a few days but a prolonged illness. According to the World Health Organization, depression is the most common illness worldwide. Around 350 million people in the world are affected by depression. Another problem similar to depression occurs in our lives. Our mood swings are called mood swings but this is different from depression. Everyone experiences mood swings in their normal lives. It is seen less in some people and a little more in some but it does not fall under the category of depression. Our temporary emotional reactions towards our daily life come under mood swings but these temporary emotional reactions or when any sadness persists in a person for a long time it can turn into depression.

Due to depression, there can be problems like weight gain in a person, due to the imbalance in thyroid hormones, there are problems related to thyroid in the person. Long lasting depression is a serious problem. People with depression are gradually cut off from the society and suicidal thoughts start coming in their mind. Due to depression, a person can also be surrounded by serious diseases, because in depression, there is a serious hormonal imbalance in the person's body, due to which he feels more or less appetite, interest in different types of unhealthy foods, these symptoms appear. give. The digestive system of a person is also poor, he also has to face problems like constipation.

Apart from this, weight gain is a common problem of the patient of depression. Psychotic depression is the most serious illness associated with depression. This is a type of psychosis associated with a severe form of depression known as psychotic depression. It is found very rarely in people and in severe stages of depression. In psychotic depression, people themselves hear such voices that they are of no use or are unsuccessful. The patient feels as if he can listen to his own thoughts. He is always hearing negative thoughts about himself and that person starts acting like that, he gets distracted very quickly and spends a lot of time doing easy things too. He constantly hears and sees things that are not really there. These patients are more prone to commit suicide.

Symptoms of Depression

As everyone knows that people in depression are always worried, apart from this there are other symptoms-

  • A person suffering from depression is always depressed.
  • One always feels himself confused and defeated.
  • A person suffering from depression lacks self-confidence.
  • Difficulty concentrating on any task.
  • The patient of depression tries to isolate himself from the family and crowded places. He mostly likes to be alone.
  • The person remains sad even in the atmosphere of happiness or the things that give happiness.
  • The patient of depression is always irritable and talks very little.
  • The patients of depression always seem restless from within and always appear to be immersed in anxiety.
  • They find themselves incapable of taking any decision and are always in a state of confusion.
  • The patient of depression is more attached to unhealthy food.
  • The patients of depression get frustrated very quickly when any problem arises.
  • The problem of excessive anger is also seen in some patients of depression.
  • Being surrounded by the fear of something bad happening all the time.

Prevention Tips for Depression

Some changes in lifestyle and diet are needed to avoid the effects of depression.

  • The patient of depression should drink plenty of water and should consume more such fruits and vegetables which have more water content.
  • Food rich in nutrients should be eaten which contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.
  • Eat more green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits.
  • Be sure to consume beetroot, it contains proper amount of nutrients like vitamins, folate, uradine and magnesium etc. They act like neurotransmitters in our brain which act to change the mood in the patient of depression.
  • Use olive oil in your food. It is rich in anti-oxidants and monosaturated fatty acids, which prove to be helpful in relieving heart disease and depression.
  • The patient of depression has a tendency to eat unhealthy food and overeating. Therefore, the patient of depression should stay away from junk food and stale food as much as possible. Instead, eat nutritious and sattvik food prepared at home.
  • Eat tomatoes in your food and in the form of salad. Tomatoes contain an antioxidant called lycopene, which helps fight depression. According to a research, people who eat tomatoes 4-6 times a week are less prone to depression than normal.
  • Quit the consumption of junk food completely.
  • Consumption of more sugar and more salt.
  • Non-vegetarian and stale food.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol or any kind of intoxicant should be completely given up.
  • - Excessive consumption of caffeinated substances such as tea, coffee.
  • A person suffering from depression should also follow a good lifestyle with proper eating habits, such as a person should spend more with his family and friends. You should speak your mind to a special friend.
  • To get out of depression, a person must give place to exercise, yoga and meditation in his daily routine. It calms the mind of the patient of depression and corrects the hormonal imbalance in them.
  • A person should wake up in the morning and go for a walk, after that yoga and pranayama should be done.
  • The patient of depression should do meditation or meditation. Often a depressed person finds himself unable to concentrate but in the beginning one should try to meditate only for a short time.
  • If a person has depression due to an accident or any particular reason, then he should be kept away from such reasons and places.
  • The patient of depression should go to natural and peaceful places as well as read books with melodious music and positive thoughts.
  • One should keep himself active in social activities and avoid the habit of being alone.

Home Remedies for Depression

If depression is in its early stages, it can be cured only by good lifestyle, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, but severe depression requires treatment. In such a situation, the anti-depressant medicines that are given in allopathy, the person gradually gets used to them and he becomes addicted to them. They are also prone to heart diseases. Mood is created and worsened by the effect of serotonin in our brain, and to avoid depression, drugs are given that block the effects of depression by absorbing serotonin through the neuron. Whereas in major organs of our body such as heart, lungs, kidney and liver, serotonin plays an important role in conducting blood.

Allopathic medicines block the absorption of serotonin by these organs, due to which there is a bad effect on the function of these organs. By consuming these medicines, a person gets used to it and without them finds himself unable to do his daily life and even sleep. Therefore, home remedies, Ayurveda medicines and psychoanalysis should be taken for depression. Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine which balances the doshas of Vata, Pitta and Kapha and makes the body healthy. Ayurvedic medicines make a person physically and mentally healthy and make a person energetic. There is no adverse effect on the patient's body due to their consumption.

Cashew Nuts Beneficial in Depression

Grinding 4 to 6 cashews and mixing them in a cup of milk reduces the effect of depression to some extent.

Berry Beneficial in Depression

Take 4 to 5 jujube fruits and remove the seeds from them and grind it and extract its juice. Now grind half a teaspoon of nutmeg in this juice and mix it and consume it twice a day.

Prahmi Beneficial in Depression

Mix one teaspoon Brahmi and one teaspoon Ashwagandha powder in a glass of water and consume it daily.

Lemon Juice Beneficial in Depression

Prepare a mixture by mixing one spoon lemon juice, one spoon turmeric powder, one spoon honey, two cups of water in a vessel and drink it. Consuming it regularly helps in getting out of depression.

Apple Beneficial in Depression

Eat apple in the morning on an empty stomach. It not only keeps your physical health better. It is also beneficial for mental health.

Cardamom Beneficial in Depression

Grind two to three cardamoms, boil them in a glass of water and drink or add cardamom to herbal tea and drink it.

These days most of the people are suffering from depression. Every other person is surrounded by various kinds of stress in the hectic life. Amidst all this, it becomes difficult for a person to remain completely mentally healthy. Many people struggle with the problem of depression, which needs to be treated.

Instead of taking the advice of a psychologist and taking other medicines as a treatment, try these home remedies first, which is able to solve problems like depression easily. In these methods, turmeric and lemon will prove to be very helpful for you.

According to a research, turmeric is also very effective for the treatment of depression like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer and cholesterol. It is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory elements, anti-biotic and antidepressant elements, which will benefit you in getting rid of depression.

Know how to use turmeric and lemon

  • Take 4 cups of water in a jug, add juice of 1 lemon, 2 tbsp turmeric powder, 4 tbsp honey or maple syrup and mix them well.
  • Consume this mixture as per your convenience. If you want, you can take it two or three times a day. Consuming it magically reduces your depression.