Home remedies for athlete's foot in ayurveda

 Home remedies for  athlete's foot in ayurveda

Athlete's foot is an infection of the feet. Which is in between the toes. Since it started with the players. Hence it is called athlete's foot. But in the present time it has become a common problem. The main reason for this is excessive sweating in the toes, infection in the rainy season, coming in contact with an infected object or infected person. Many times this problem is also seen in those people who do outdoor duty wearing shoes all day. In this way this problem is seen in people of all ages. Therefore, if it is not treated on time, it increases day by day. As a result, this can prove to be a serious problem.

How does athlete's foot spread?

Because it is caused by a fungus called tinea. Therefore it is also called tinea pedis in medical language. These fungi thrive in warm and moist environments. It grows rapidly mainly in footwear, swimming pools and public damp environments. For this reason, it is usually found in summer and in places with moist climate. Apart from this, athlete's fungus can also be seen on the feet of people who wear shoes. When the fungus (fungus) invades this area of ​​the body, there are symptoms like red spots, ringworm, sores and itching on the skin within a short time. begin to appear.

Symptoms of athlete's foot

The most important hallmark of athlete's foot is red spots on the skin, ringworm, rashes, scabs on the skin, flaking of the skin or white colored powdery substances start coming out. Apart from this, there are some other symptoms as well. Let's talk about these other symptoms;

  • Redness or peeling of the skin.
  • Itching and burning on the skin.
  • Ulcers on the soles of the feet.
  • Wound healing and continuous bleeding.
  • A pus-like discharge from the affected part.
  • Causes of athlete's foot
  • coming in contact with an infected person.
  • Living in places with constant humidity.
  • Leaving the feet wet.
  • Wearing the same socks for several days.
  • Wearing tight shoes.
  • Over bathing in the swimming pool.
  • Walking barefoot in public places.
  • On using dirty towels.
  • Tips to avoid athlete's foot
  • Keep yourself clean to avoid any kind of infection.
  • Avoid going barefoot in damp places.
  • Avoid coming in contact with a person infected with a fungal infection.
  • To avoid athlete's foot, keep the skin on the feet dry and clean.
  • Do not use towels from an infected person.
  • Wear light and airy shoes.
  • Do not use shoes made of synthetic materials.
  • Use only cotton socks.
  • Wash and wear socks daily.
  • Change your shoes daily.
  • Protect your feet in public places.
  • Athlete's foot home diagnosis
  • Neem leaves are beneficial
  • Athlete's foot is cured by boiling neem leaves in water, washing the feet and grinding neem leaves in cow's milk and applying it on the infected area. Apart from this, applying Konim Ketel on the affected areas is very beneficial for the person suffering from athlete's foot.

Chalamogra oil

Chalamogra oil is also beneficial for people suffering from skin diseases or fungal infections. For this, mix equal quantity of Chalamogra oil and Neem oil and apply it on the affected part. By doing this for a few days, athlete's foot and many types of fungal infections are cured.

Garlic is beneficial

Garlic is rich in antibiotic properties. Helps in curing athlete's foot and fungal infections. For this, make a paste by taking some raw garlic buds and apply it on the affected places. By doing this, the wounds heal quickly. Apart from this, applying raw garlic juice on the soles of the feet also provides relief.


Turmeric is an effective natural remedy to get relief from athlete's foot. Because it is rich in antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. For this, make a paste by mixing turmeric powder with water and apply it on the wounds.

Tea tree oil-

The beneficial properties of tea tree oil are very effective for athlete's foot. It also reduces the symptoms of eczema like dry skin, itching, redness, blisters and rashes. The antibacterial compounds present in this oil prevent the spread of skin related infections and antioxidants prove to be effective in curing itchy and dry skin. For this, mix a few drops of tea tree oil with carrier oil and apply on the soles of the feet.

Mehndi Powder-

Mehndi acts as a kind of natural remedy for foot infections. Because it is rich in antiseptic. For this, mix henna powder in rose water well. Now apply this paste on the affected areas. By doing this, athlete's foot gets relief.


Lemon also acts as a medicine in athlete's foot. Because it has both anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties. that improve skin health. For this, mix lemon juice, vinegar and glycerin and apply it on the soles of the feet.

Baking soda-

In case of athlete's foot, soak the affected area by adding baking soda or alum to lukewarm water. By doing this, the problem of the athlete gets relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar-

Apple cider vinegar is another effective treatment for athlete's foot. For this, mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in lukewarm water. Now let the feet remain submerged in this water. After some time clean the feet thoroughly with a towel. Now allow the feet to air dry.

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection caused by the tinea fungus. In this disease, there are problems like itching in the feet, bad smell from it. You can save yourself from this problem by just cleaning. Simple home remedies can be adopted instead of antibiotics or medicines to get relief from pain and itching in the early stages of athlete's foot. These days green tea is present in most of the homes, all you have to do is use this green tea for relief in this problem.

Green tea contains tannins, which are very effective in combating fungal infections of toenails or toenails. Wet feet give the tinea fungus ample opportunity to cause infection. But the tannin and tannic acid present in green tea removes moisture from the outer skin. In this way, the fungus does not grow. If the skin is peeled or peeled during this infection, then tannic acid also helps in the formation of new tissues.

Mode of use

Put 5-6 tea bags in a liter of boiled water. Let the hot water be lukewarm. Now dip both feet in this water for 10 minutes. Then wash the feet with clean water and dry them thoroughly. You can dry up the moisture between the fingers by applying talcum powder or cornflour. You can also use tea tree oil for this purpose, just like tea bags.