Gout is a disease caused by an increase in uric acid that causes a type of arthritis, it is also called gouty arthritis. In gout, crystals of uric acid accumulate in the joints, this problem occurs when the body starts producing more uric acid than normal. Arthritis first starts in the foot, usually starts in the metatarsal–phalangeal joint and is very painful. Then it is also called Podegra. After some time, the crystals of uric acid spread to other joints of the body and this pain increases to elbows, knees, joints of fingers of hands and tissues.
In Ayurveda, Gout is called Vatarakta. Hence it is a disease related to contamination of Vata and blood. Due to the consumption of improper diet, blood gets contaminated and creates obstruction in the body for the normal passage of Vata and then after getting contaminated with air and blood and flowing throughout the body, various symptoms like pain, burning, redness etc. Arthritis is not commonly found in younger people. It mostly shows its effect at the age of 30 to 50 years.In this too, especially it occurs after 40 years and it is more in men than in women.
Often joint pain and arthritis are considered to be the same disease, but the truth is that there are differences between the two. Joint pain is called common Arthritis, it is an inflammatory disease of the joints in which there is extreme pain in the joints and there is difficulty in moving, twisting and doing any movement of the joints. Whereas arthritis is an independent disease separate from normal joint pain called gout. Arthritis mainly affects the small joints of the body and starts with pain and swelling in the toe. Fever is not necessary in normal joint pain, but in the beginning of Gout disease, fever is accompanied by pain and swelling.
Lifestyle and diet play a big role in getting arthritis. Improper diet is the main cause of gout. Such as consumption of excessive amounts of meat, fish, highly spicy food, alcohol and fructose-rich beverages. Apart from this, due to malfunction in the metabolism in our body and due to obesity, arthritis also occurs.
This disease occurs due to the increased amount of uric acid in the blood. The increased amount of uric acid accumulates in the form of crystals in the joints, tendons and surrounding tissues. This disease is related to the digestive system. It is related to the presence of excessively high amounts of uric acid in the blood. Due to this, large amounts of crystals accumulate in the joints (mainly the toes) and sometimes in the kidneys.
Uric acid is produced by the loss of urine and it is often excreted by the kidneys or kidneys. Whenever the normal level is broken due to less urine from the kidneys or more urine, crystals of uric acid get deposited at different joints. These crystals are absorbed by our protective cells, due to which painful substances start coming out at the joint sites.
The root cause of arthritis is a defect in the metabolism or metabolism of purines. Gout occurs as a product of the metabolism of uric acid, purine. In 90% of patients, the kidneys are unable to excrete enough uric acid. Excess uric acid is formed in less than 10 percent of patients. If the uric acid is 7,8 or 9 mg/dl then the risk of gout is 0.5 percent and if the uric acid is more than 9 mg/dl the risk is 4.5 percent. The normal level of uric acid is 7 mg/dl in men and 6 mg/dl in women.
Apart from being painful, it is also important to know what are the other symptoms so that the disease can be diagnosed at the right time and right.
To avoid arthritis, first of all there is a need to make changes in lifestyle and diet.
The medicines used in allopathy for the treatment of arthritis, after a time, have an adverse effect on the body and they are full of side effects. Even after consuming them, there is a possibility of getting gout again. On the other hand, in the process of Ayurvedic treatment, the doshas are balanced, in which the disease is eliminated from the root by reducing the aggravated doshas and increasing the inferior doshas and due to natural medicine, it does not have any side effects.
By the way, to get rid of Arthritis, first of all, home remedies are adopted. Here we will talk about some such home remedies passed by the experts of Patanjali, which can be used to relieve the pain of arthritis.
Consume two to three cloves of garlic regularly with warm water. It helps to eliminate arthritis disease from the root.
Boil half a teaspoon of carom seeds and a piece of ginger in a glass of water. Now drink it in the amount of half a glass twice a day in the morning and evening. The consumption of this yoga leads to sweating which helps in flushing out uric acid from the body.
Warming the castor oil lightly, massage it with light hands in the areas affected by arthritis or dip a cotton ball in this oil and place it on the affected area. This gives relief from pain and redness.
Grind half a teaspoon of coriander seeds and mix them in a glass of lukewarm water and drink, as well as use coriander seeds in your food. Coriander contains a good amount of antioxidants that reduce uric acid levels by improving the digestive system.
Take a cup of milk mixed with a pinch of turmeric. Turmeric has the ability to inhibit the processes that cause inflammation, as well as reduce the process of xanthine oxidase. Xanthine oxidase is an enzyme that produces uric acid.
A patient of arthritis should consume about one cup of cherries daily. According to a recent study, people who regularly consume cherries have a 35 percent lower risk of developing gout.