Home remedies for asthma in ayurveda

Home remedies for asthma in ayurveda

Asthma is a type of disease related to respiratory system that causes difficulty in breathing. It is a disease involving the airways in the lungs. In asthma, the airways become swollen and the airways constrict leading to breathing issues. Air moves in and out of the lungs through these airways i.e. bronchial tubes and in asthma like conditions these airways then remain quite swollen.

When this inflammation increases, it causes a tightening of the muscles around the airways and symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and chest tightness occur with difficulty in breathing.

Cough generates phlegm from the lungs but it is very difficult to bring it out as its embedded inside.. Many people want to treat asthma from the root but it is not possible due to not doing home remedies for asthma in a proper way. That is why let us know what you should do to treat asthma from the root (dama ka ilaj).

What is Asthma

Asthma in Ayurveda is called Tamak breath. It is caused by vitiation of Vata and Kapha doshas. In this, the breathing tubes constrict, due to which there is a feeling of heaviness in the chest and there is a whistling sound when inhaling. One can also do home remedies for asthma as per ayurvedic protocols.

Types of Asthma:
  • Perennial Asthma
  • Seasonal Asthma
  • Allergic Asthma
  • Non Allergic Asthma
  • Occupational Asthma
  • Allergic Asthma - During allergic asthma, there is an allergy to a particular thing, such as breathlessness as soon as it comes in contact with dust and soil, or due to change in weather, asthma can also occur.
  • Non-Allergic Asthma – This occurs when someone is under a lot of stress or gets a cold or cough.
  • Seasonal Asthma – It is caused by pollen grains or moisture in a particular season, not throughout the year.
  • Occupational Asthma – This happens to people working in factories.
Symptoms of Asthma

As a symptom of asthma or asthma, first there is difficulty in breathing. Apart from this, there are other symptoms which are being written next. The sooner the symptoms of asthma are detected, the sooner it is possible to be treated for asthma. By identifying these symptoms, you can do home remedies for asthma

  • Frequent coughing. Coughing with most seizures.
  • Whistling sound while breathing.
  • Chest tightness and heaviness.
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty in coughing and inability to expel phlegm.
  • Blocked and dry throat.
  • To be restless
  • Increase in pulse rate.
How to Prevent Asthma

There are some general things that patients should keep in mind for home remedies for asthma.

  • Asthma patient should avoid rain and cold and dusty place. The increase in moisture during the rainy season increases the chances of infection.
  • Avoid living in an environment that is too cold and high in humidity, as this can aggravate the symptoms of asthma.
  • Wear a mask when you leave the house.
  • Avoid going in mist during winter season.
  • Avoid fresh paints, insecticides, sprays, incense sticks, mosquito repellent coil smoke, aromatic perfumes as much as possible.
  • Stay away from people who smoke.
  • Apart from this, the effects of these asthma can be reduced by making changes in lifestyle and diet-
Diet to Prevent Asthma

When you are doing home remedies for asthma (dama ka ilaj), then these foods should be consumed:-

  • Take wheat, old rice, moong, kulthi, barley, patol.
  • Asthma patients should consume green leafy vegetables in the diet. Spinach and carrot juice is very beneficial in asthma.
  • Include garlic, ginger, turmeric and black pepper in the diet, they help in fighting asthma.
  • Consuming lukewarm water helps in the treatment of asthma.
  • Consume honey.
They should not be consumed while doing asthma home treatment
  • Do not eat fish, rich food, fried foods.
  • Do not consume too much sweet, cold water, curd.
  • Asthma patients should minimize the intake of protein, carbohydrate, fat things.
  • Cold drinks, cold water and foods of a cold nature should not be consumed.
  • Things like eggs, fish and meat are harmful in asthma.
While treating asthma at home, your lifestyle should be like this-
  • Do not consume preservatives and cold drinks etc. at all, it hinders the treatment of respiratory diseases.
  • Asthma is relieved by doing Pranayama and Surya Namaskar regularly.
  • Do not stay in cold and humid environment.
  • Do not do excessive physical exercise.
  • Doing yoga asanas helps in treating respiratory diseases.
Garlic is Beneficial for Asthma

You should use garlic for successful treatment of asthma. Garlic is very beneficial for asthma patients. 30 ml Boil five cloves of garlic in milk and take this mixture every day, it cures asthma from the root.

Benefit of Figs to Get Relief from Asthma in Hindi

The dried fruits of figs are very much beneficial. It also prevents the accumulation of phlegm. Soak dried figs in hot water overnight. Eat it empty stomach in the morning. By doing this, the mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract loosens up and it also gives relief from infection and successful treatment of asthma.

Ajwain Helps to Treat Asthma

Many people suffer from asthma. If you are also suffering from asthma then there is a very easy solution for you. To treat asthma from the root, boil it by adding carom seeds and inhale the steam rising from this water. It treats asthma from the root.

Fenugreek Help to Fight with Asthma

Fenugreek is found in every home. You know that you can successfully treat asthma with the use of fenugreek. You can use fenugreek for home remedies for asthma.

Fenugreek is helpful in eliminating internal allergies of the body. Boil few fenugreek seeds with a glass of water and keep boiling until the water becomes one-third in quantity. Mix honey and ginger juice in this water and consume it every morning and evening. This is the way of successful treatment of asthma.

Ginger Benefit to Treat Asthma

You can use ginger to treat asthma from the root. Drink ginger tea mixed with two ground cloves of garlic. It successfully treats asthma.

Add one teaspoon fresh juice of ginger, one cup fenugreek decoction and honey as per taste. This mixture is beneficial for asthma patients.

Karela or Bitter Gourd Benefits for Asthma

You can use bitter gourd to treat asthma from the root. Taking one spoon paste of bitter gourd mixed with honey and juice of basil leaves provides relief in asthma.

Mustard Oil Help to Fight with Asthma

Mustard oil mixed with camphor should be massaged on the chest and spine in case of asthma. Steambath should also be done after some time of massage.

Onion Beneficial to Get Relieve from Asthma

Consuming raw onion is beneficial in asthma. The sulphur present in the onions is able to reduce lung irritation and other problems considerably with its properties . Onion makes successful treatment of asthma.

Vitamin C Foods Benefit to Treat Asthma

Vitamin-C is very beneficial in asthma. Eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin-C. Lemons, oranges, berries, strawberries and papaya are good sources of vitamin C. Consume them. Consume cauliflower and cabbage in vegetables. It cures asthma from the root (asthma ka ilaj).

Haldi Milk Help to Get Relief from Asthma

You already know that turmeric is a very beneficial spice. Therefore, if you want to successfully treat asthma, then add turmeric to milk and drink it. Apart from this, you can also drink garlic cooked in milk.

Honey Mixture Benefit to Treat Asthma

Turmeric and honey should be licked so that asthma attacks do not happen again and again. It is helpful in successful treatment of asthma.

Grind large cardamom, dates and grapes in equal quantity and eat it with honey. It is very beneficial in asthma cough. It treats asthma from the root.

Bayleaf Benefits for Asthma

Grind 2 grams of bay leaf and peepal leaves and eat it with syrup of marmalade. Eating it daily is beneficial in asthma.

Tulsi Benefit to Ease Asthma

Grind dry ginger, rock salt, cumin, roasted asafoetida and basil leaves and boil them in a glass of water. By drinking this decoction, the problem of asthma will go away.

Sahjan Benefits for Asthma

According to Ayurveda, drumstick has phlegm-reducing properties and due to this quality, its consumption is considered beneficial in asthma. If you are a patient of asthma, then definitely include drumstick vegetable in your diet.

Amla Powder Benefits in Treatment of Asthma

According to Ayurvedic experts, Amla has rasayana properties, which helps in controlling asthma by increasing our immunity. Therefore you should consume amla or amla powder regularly. If you want, you can also consume amla candy.

Black cardamom Helps in Treatment of Asthma

Large cardamom has anti-phlegm properties, that is, it reduces the amount of phlegm in the body. A decrease in Kapha reduces the symptoms of asthma, so Ayurvedic experts recommend the consumption of large cardamom to asthma patients.

lavender Oils Benefits for Asthma

The aroma of lavender oil helps in reducing the symptoms of asthma. Experts believe that the anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties found in lavender oil help in reducing the symptoms of asthma. For more details contact nearest Ayurvedic specialist.

Coffee Benefits for Asthma

Caffeine present in coffee has the property of bronchodilator which helps in reducing the symptoms of asthma. Therefore, if you are a patient of asthma, then consume coffee in limited quantity. Keep in mind that consuming too much coffee can harm your health.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Asthma

According to Ayurveda, Tamak breathing is a disorder arising from contaminated Kapha. This disease is caused by phlegm coming into the lungs and respiratory tract through the stomach. By bringing the phlegm into the stomach, it is removed through therapy. You can consult a doctor about it to treat asthma from the root or to do ayurvedic home remedies for asthma.

  • Ayurvedic medicines
  • Corpuscles
  • Vasavaleh
  • Sitopaladi Churna
  • Kanakasav
  • Agastyaharitaki Avaleh
  • Chyawanprash
  • Vasa – It works by dilating the constricted respiratory tubes.
  • Kantakari – It clears the sticky stickiness in the throat and lungs.
  • Pushkarmool- It is a medicine rich in antihistaminic and antibacterial properties.
  • Liquorice – It cures cough.